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Random example
Library (1546)
Beams (530)
Cross sections (47)
User defined (5)
Circulars (8)
Ellipticals (2)
Triangulars (1)
Quadrangulars (5)
Hexagonals (1)
I beams (5)
HSS (4)
Channels (7)
T beams (2)
Angles (7)
Single beam (44)
Tapered (136)
Continuous (20)
Curved (67)
Large defo (18)
Bending+shear (24)
Bending + compression (45)
Bending + tension (45)
Held ends (39)
Elastic foundation (45)
Frames (228)
Arches (285)
Pipes (90)
Plates (299)
Vessels (69)
Stability (30)
Other (15)
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